Thursday, June 14, 2007

Return to the show...

Well a clean 4 months gap between my last post and this...and needless to say a lot has happened in between. Life has, as always, been throwing in one experience after the other, and no matter how-much-ever did i think of puuting up a post on my blog, i did not...maybe i could not.
However, intern time, and my office work is not that loaded either, so i get lots of free time... to waste, to think, and do stuff...thus i decided that whatever be it, I m gonna restart my blog-posting and carry on with it regularly.
So here it is... my first post after a long time. it does not carry any added info, no statements to be made, no point to be proved , nothing at all ... just an aimless post, so that the process is started off.
... and by the way ... whoever says its not fun to do stuff "aimlessly" ... take it from me ... you are so very wrong :)